Saturday 24 February 2018

Job Opportunity At Social Solutions International Program Cycle Fellow for USAID in Iringa

Application deadline

Social Solutions International, Inc. (Social Solutions) is accepting curricula vitae from mid- to senior-level Tanzanian development specialists who are available and interested in a one year posting in Iringa, Tanzania. This position will be under the Expanding Monitoring and Evaluation Capacities (MECap) task order for which Social Solutions is the prime contractor.
The main goal of MECAP is to contribute to the strengthening of project design, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), collaborating, learning and adapting (CLA) at the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
Program Cycle Fellow Explanation
Program Cycle Fellows will be members of a technical assistance (TA) team providing support and advisory services to USAID’s Bureau for Policy, Planning and Learning. MECap bolsters capacity in USAID missions and operating units to plan for, undertake, and use high-quality program-cycle related products and processes to achieve better development outcomes. It does this by providing technical expertise and support that strengthens the capacity of USAID staff in program-cycle related skills, extends PPL’s ability to communicate and collaborate with implementing partners and USAID staff, and provides the Agency with improved access and capabilities to apply state-of-the-art practices. MECAP coordinates closely with other PPL and Agency awards and utilizes a facilitating and mentoring approach in all of its work.

Strategic learning and collaboration are fundamental to an adaptive approach to development. By embedding collaborating, learning and adapting (CLA) throughout the Program Cycle, USAID aims to strengthen our programming and maximize development outcomes. A learning-focused and adaptive approach helps ensure that our programs are coordinated with others, grounded in evidence, and adjusted as necessary to remain relevant and effective throughout implementation.
Introduction to USAID Tanzania Iringa Activities
Since 2010, USAID Tanzania has invested in one of its priority regions, Iringa, across development sectors.  In mid-2013, USAID/Tanzania placed an Advisor for Program Integration and Quality Improvement (later Program Integration and Coordination) in Iringa to support regional coordination and program integration as a means to more holistic programming and better development results. USAID’s subsequent CDCS (October 2014 – September 2019) has emphasized strengthened coordination as the foundation of its integrated approach to programming, with Iringa Region as a key focus for strengthening linkages and collaboration among implementing partners (IPs), regional and local government (RALG) authorities, and Peace Corps Volunteers, as well as with other donors working at the regional and district levels.  Regional coordination is a key component of USAID/Tanzania’s strategy-level approach to integrated programming: it strengthens coordination and action across sectors and among stakeholders at the regional, district, and local levels to deliver development impact that is greater than the sum of its parts.  
With a focus in Iringa, USAID-supported activities in the region are more cohesive, engaging further along the spectrum of integrated development. Furthermore, a system of forums has been established including IP “Touch-Base” Meetings and Thematic Groups on key issue areas such as Improving the Value Chains, Food Security and Nutrition, Gender-Based Violence/Violence against Children, Youth Development and others.  An Iringa Integrated Activity Hub piloted in Kilolo District Council has served as a proving ground for more intentional partner collaboration and integration across sectors.  Opportunities are abundant to document and learn from the field, from IP activities and reports, and through these collaborative and thematic forums.  This position, embedded as it is in the Iringa Regional Secretariat, is strategically positioned to advance Collaboration, Learning and Adaptive Management of USAID programming in the Region.
After a brief orientation period, this Program Cycle Fellow will serve in an advisory and capacity-building role for program-cycle related functions within the Iringa Regional Secretariat in Tanzania. S/he will serve in a coordination and facilitation role for the Iringa Integrated Activity Hub and support implementation USAID Tanzania’s CLA Plan and building CLA capacity at the regional level. The Fellow will generate, analyze and share information and knowledge among Hub partners to inform decision making and adaptive management, while also functioning as a regional representative of the Program Office and serving as a feedback channel from the field to the cross-sectoral Development Objective (DO) teams. The Fellow will play a key role in supporting IPs to better engage with local government organizations and one another, to further institutionalize mechanisms for regional coordination and integration, with greater focus on building Council-level capacity in this regard.

The Program Cycle Fellow is expected to work under the guidance of the USAID Program Office, and in collaboration with the Regional and Local Government staff.  The Fellow will work day-to-day with a team of Government of Tanzania (GOT) staff across development sectors, including health and population, nutrition, social welfare, community development, agriculture, education, democracy and governance, and economic growth, including natural resources management and energy. S/he will also support monitoring and evaluation of the Iringa Hub’s integrated programming efforts and document results and lessons learned for USAID/Tanzania and partners. The Fellow will be expected to work independently, yet collaboratively, with regional and district counterparts and maintain open communication with Program Office, DO-team colleagues, and managers of representative activities and will report to the USAID/Tanzania Program Office MEL Team Lead.

The ideal candidate will be able to balance regional/district concerns with strategic priorities, s/he will be passionate to learn about all of the different sectors supported by USAID in Iringa region and will be visionary in how they bring people together and motivate them to collaborate.

Principal objectives of this placement are to:

  1. Ensure that implementing partners systematically engage in dialogue with regional and district authorities on program progress and plans, including regular transmission of workplans and reports, accompanied by presentation and discussion. Maintain a system of regular check-in discussions with senior government management for different technical areas, as well as with the NGO focal person in Planning & Coordination at Regional and Local Government levels. Given the existence of regional strategic plans and annual district-level development plans, heightened information sharing with government counterparts is critical for leaders to make informed decisions on how best to address their local development challenges in a sustainable manner.

  1. Support Iringa regional government and the designated IPs to maintain established processes for USAID and non-USAID implementing partners to communicate with one another and with the relevant technical leads in RALG around shared thematic programming.
Operationally, the Coordinator will conduct the following activities:
  1. Work closely with the Regional focal persons for various technical areas, and the designated IPs, to maintain the system of quarterly Thematic Meetings convened at regional level, and ensure documentation of the issues and actions arising.
  2. Drawing on experience at the Regional level, support Iringa local government to strengthen functioning thematic groups (e.g. Nutrition and Food Security) and establish new thematic groups for better coordination and smart integration in those technical areas. The Coordinator will work closely with District Council focal persons and the relevant IPs to maintain or establish corresponding quarterly Thematic Meetings, according to the expressed needs of each Council management team.    
  3. Support IPs to maintain their system of monthly Touch-Base meetings, and document and disseminate issues and actions arising from that forum. Identifying synergies and opportunities for integration across sectors, s/he will work with USAID implementing partners to enhance collaboration and minimize duplication.

  1. Support the Core Group of Iringa’s Integrated Activity Hub (IIAH) and AORs/CORs of the Hub’s participating activities (focus: Kilolo) to consolidate their joint work planning and implementation, and maintain a forum that moves program activities further along the spectrum of integration. Work with Hub partners (including Kilolo DC) to draft an annual IIAH workplan and report. Maintain and expand existing Iringa Hub knowledge products, including but not limited to:
    1. A database of community volunteers, documenting training experience and contact information
    2. An annual planning tool to coordinate anticipated activities across Hub partners
    3. Key messages for USAID/Tanzania activities implementing in the region

  1. Work in close coordination with the Public Service System Strengthening activity (PS3) to engage the three District Councils, the Municipal and Town Councils in Iringa Region in the compilation of Comprehensive Annual Development Plans that reflect USAID (and other IP) activities, and can serve as a monitoring tool for LGAs to better track and coordinate partner activities in their zones of influence.

  1. Serve as the point of entry for all USAID and AID/W technical teams and delegations into Iringa Region, ensuring that they use proper and timely channels for correspondence and engagement with RALG authorities and partners from non-government sectors, and engaging with IPs to design meaningful, logistically well-planned itineraries to meet visit objectives.
  • Tanzanian National
  • 8+ years of experience working with the Government of Tanzania (GOT), international donors, and/or implementing partners
  • Demonstrated familiarity with GOT at regional and/or district level (5+ years), as well as donor-funded programming at the regional and/or national level (3+ years)
  • Demonstrated experience in building relationships between GOT and donor/implementing partners
  • Experience designing and implementing international development programs with USAID and/or other large development assistance agencies (including large NGOs, contractors, or international organizations).
  • Experience providing advice to international development managers in the field; including working in the field or supporting field projects to achieve an operational mission or to implement a project or activity.
  • Experience with catalyzing programmatic learning and adaptive management in USAID or other foreign assistance agencies (including large NGOs, contractors or international organizations).
  • Master’s Degree+ in a relevant field (e.g., Planning, Business Administration)
  • Native Kiswahili proficiency; confidence and clarity in written and spoken English
  • Superior oral and written communication skills and listening skills: both proactive and diplomatic. Excellent public speaking skills and well versed in effectively organizing data in order to successfully support stakeholders in making decisions.
  • Experience facilitating workshops, meetings, and other events
  • Professionally proficient with Microsoft Office, including Word, Excel/Access, Powerpoint
  • Experienced with online, collaborative platforms preferred (e.g., Google Docs)
  • Demonstrated flexibility and capacity to adapt to and operate in environments of uncertainty.
  • Background in capacity-building, adult learning and/or learning facilitation or related experience
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