Thursday, 20 July 2017

United Republic of Tanzania: Program Dierctor, Tanzania

  • Image result for VACANCY
  • Organization: Project Concern International
    Country: United Republic of Tanzania
    Closing date: 11 Sep 2017

    The Program Director(PD) reports to the Country Director (who is based in Dar es Salaam) and will have overall leadership for the programmatic implementation of the FFE3 program for school feeding, agriculture, health and education and the Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation portfolio. The PD will also have oversight for day to day operations of the Mara Region Offices. She/He will also provide leadership for PCI Tanzania’s innovation and program quality initiatives, and provide management support to other projects coming online in the region. The PD will be based in Mara Region, in the Musoma PCI office and will travel to Dar es Salaam occasionally.
    Key Duties & Responsibilities:
  • Leads a team of over 50 people implementing the FFE3, Women Empowered (voluntary savings and loan) and any new programs based in Mara Region Tanzania.
  • Provides overall technical guidance and leadership for delivering results in all programs in close coordination with the Country Director.
  • Coordinates with leads of assigned projects in developing annual detailed implementation plans, quality management plans, standard operating guidelines, synergy indicators and frequent progress review process.
  • In collaboration with program leads, identifies, designs and delivers staff training to meet project needs.
  • In coordination with the Director of Finance:
    • Manage budget planning and its timely, sound and efficient implementation
    • Coordinates finance and procurement processes with respective Program Team Leads
    • Facilitate program-finance linkages
  • Ensures projects procurement plans and purchases are developed in a timely manner, meets programs plans and budgets working closely with the Acquisitions Officer Facilitate learning across projects and scaling up of best practices
  • Facilitate regular coordination meetings between program staff and MLE, focusing on meeting goals, continuous improvement and encouraging documentation
How to apply:
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