Saturday 30 September 2017

Job Opportunity At The UN Country Team (UNCT)-Support Tanzania’s Productive Social Safety Nets (PSSN)


Other Dar es Salaam District Dar Es Salaam

Application deadline

The UN Country Team (UNCT) in Tanzania is supporting the Government of Tanzania to scale-up of the Tanzania Productive Social Safety Nets (PSSN) programme and strengthen coordination of social protection interventions across sectors through a Joint Programme Implemented by UNDP, UNICEF, ILO and UNFPA. Each UN Agency covers a specific area of intervention as outlined in more detail in the evaluation TOR.

The JP, which was designed, in consultation with the Ministry of Finance and the Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF), focuses at strengthening linkage between policy level and downstream community interventions; filling the existing gaps in the PSSN; and complementing ongoing efforts being implemented through TASAF, to ensure programme sustainability.
The support to the scale-up of the PSSN is consistent with the UN Development Assistance Programme (UNDAP) Social Protection Outcome to ensure the Government of Tanzania coordinates a multi-sectoral social protection response to the needs of the economically deprived and vulnerable groups. Furthermore, the UN support offers PSSN ways to connect international norms and standards on human rights, gender equality and environmental sustainability in its implementation.
The overall goal of the PSSN JP evaluation is to promote accountability, organizational learning, stocktaking of achievements, performance, impacts, good practices and lessons learnt from implementation towards SDGs.
The final evaluation of the PSSN Joint Programme has the following specific objectives:
• Measure to what extent the joint programme has contributed to solve the needs and problems identified in the design phase
• To measure joint programme’s degree of implementation, efficiency and quality delivered on outputs and outcomes, against what was originally planned or subsequently officially revised
• Measure to what extent the joint programme has attained the results originally foreseen in their project document, M&E frameworks, etc.
• To the extent possible, measure the impact of the joint programme on the achievement of the SDGs.
• To identify and document substantive lessons learnt and good practices on the specific topics of the thematic areas and crosscutting issues: gender, sustainability and public private partnerships
Duties and Responsibilities
• Review programme documentation and relevant country background information (national policies and strategies, UN strategies and general economic data); determine key data to collect in the field and prepare key assessment instruments (questionnaires, logic models, surveys, samples…) to collect these data through surveys and interviews during and prior to the field mission;
• Assess the adequacy of legislative and regulatory framework relevant to the project’s activities and analyse other background info.Briefing with the Evaluation Reference Group and other key stakeholders at UN offices.
Preparation of the Inception Report.
Conduct field visits
• Prepare the evaluation report, according to the TOR;
• Share the evaluation report with ERG and SDG-F Secretariat and stakeholders for feedback and comments.
• Revise the draft project evaluation report, based on comments from ERG, SDG Secretariat and stakeholders.
• Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
• Excellent report writing and editing skills
• Excellent analytical and reporting skills
• Fully computer literate
• Ability to work under minimum supervision to meet short deadlines.
• Commitment and drive to achieve challenging goals, and problem solving attitude.
• Ability to identify client needs and deliver them promptly and accurately

Required Skills and Experience
Academic Qualifications:
• Master’s Degree in International Development, Public Administration, Evaluation or Related Field
• Proven 5 years’ professional experience, specifically in the area of evaluating international development initiatives and development organizations and preferably in the field of social protection programmes,
• Familiarity with the UN system including Delivering as One (DaO) principles and processes, Demonstrative ability to assess the application of the five UN Programming Principles: human rights; gender equality; environmental sustainability; RBM; capacity development
• Experience of qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis methods including interview techniques
Language Requirements:
• Proficiency in English and Kiswahili (spoken and written)
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