Thursday, 17 August 2017

3 Job Opportunity at EngenderHealth , Program Officers


3 Job Opportunity at EngenderHealth , Program Officers
Program Officer (3 positions: 1 Zanzibar;1 Dodoma;1 Arusha)

The Program Officer is responsible for providing support and technical
assistance to the Ministry of Health, Community development, Gender,
Elderly and Children (MOHCGEC) service providers in integrating family
planning services, with a focus on LAPRC and PMs into post-abortion care
(PAC) services. H/she will be responsible for providing technical
assistance to EngenderHealth’s Operationalizing Family Planning within
Post Abortion Care. The program officer will also represent EH Tanzania
at district and regional FP/PAC meetings and conferences.

The program officer will work with the project Manager in the Field
Office to develop strategies and activities to implement program
activities. He/she will provide technical programmatic assistance for
improving and expanding facility and community based FP/PAC activities,
and to identify strategies of improving linkages and referrals to higher
health facilities.

He/she will work closely with the districts, other team members and
MOHCGEC counterparts and other Implementing partners to ensure
consistent application of national family planning and post-abortion
care guidelines. H/she will promote and assist in the integration of FP
and PAC interventions with a focus to increase uptake of LARC among PAC

Key qualifications:

  • Advanced diploma clinical medicine (AMO) with 3- 5 years of work experience or Registered Nurse Midwife or Clinical Officer with 5 years of work experience in Post-abortion care and Family Planning services.
  • Proven experience in building capacity of clinical and non-clinical health providers and community-based health workers in maternal and child health care, FP/PAC integration, post-abortion family planning with a focus LARCs.
  • Experience with community-based health care provision and promotion
  • Familiarity with MOHCGEC and private-public partnership structures
  • Strong personal and professional commitment to Family Planning and PAC
  • Demonstrated ability to supervise service delivery, demand creation, and capacity building interventions’
  • Ability to map and establish coordination of partnership with other stakeholders working the same area
  • Proven skills and experience in the integration of male involvement in health services
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Computer skills an

Please visit the careers page at  to submit your
application online or by 25th August 2017. Please include the region of
preference; details of your salary requirements and salary history
To apply for this job, please go to the following
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