Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Job Opportunity At Lutheran World Relief-Consultant for conducting baseline survey


Ilala, Ilala Dar Es Salaam
Since 1945, Lutheran World Relief (LWR) has worked with vulnerable communities to end poverty, injustice and human suffering. LWR supports agriculture, climate change, and emergency response programming in 28 countries each year. LWR works in Tanzania with an emphasis on capacity strengthening of farmer organizations and long-term food security. Lutheran World Relief is implementing a project entitled “Investing in New Ventures of Entrepreneurial Students in Tanzania” (INVEST) from January 2018-September 2020. The project will directly reach an estimated 815 students from two Ministry of Agriculture Training Institute (MATI) in Katrin-Ifakara and National Sugar Institute (NSI) Kidatu in Morogoro Region. The overall goal of the project is to strengthen the long-term employment prospects of youth (male and female) in MATI so they are equipped for employment upon graduation. This objective will be achieved through the following two outcomes:
Outcome 1: Targeted MATIs produce skilled agricultural labor force that meet market needs
• Output 1.1: Targeted MATIs design a curriculum that meets the demands of the agriculture workforce
• Output 1.2: Targeted MATIs implement a revised curriculum that meets the demands for employment in the agriculture labor force
• Output 1.3: Targeted youth have increased access to internship opportunities that demonstrate skills and trainings
Outcome 2: Targeted youth are equipped for self-employment upon graduation
• Output 2.1: Targeted youth gain expertise in business development and planning
• Output 2.2: Selected youth receive start-up capital to implement business ideas
LWR Tanzania seeks to engage consultant or firm knowledgeable and experienced in educational systems and management, with an understanding of measuring youth and/or agriculture programs to collect baseline data for LWR’s project, in January through February, 2018
    The purpose of the baseline evaluation is to collect primary data, both quantitative and qualitative, pertaining to the project indicators. The baseline will focus on the data collection for a set of indicators determined by the project’s M&E plan. The baseline measures for the project indicators will be used as a measurement to monitor the project’s progress against the set indicators over the course of implementation. NOTE: Baseline data for each indicator will be measured in the same manner as the end line data collection. The baseline survey will be used to lay out strategies for project implementation and end-line data.
    Three outcomes of the study are to:
    • Assist LWR in developing the detailed M&E plan (indicator definitions, data collection frequency, etc.),
    • Establish the baseline values for the project indicators, and
    • Validate and provide recommendations (on methods and tools) for the future tracking of the indicators
    To achieve these outcomes, the consultant(s) will:
    • Hold consultative and planning meetings with LWR to understand the project
    • Work with LWR to develop the detailed M&E plan; make adjustments to the project results framework and/or indicators as needed.
    • Write the inception report (implementation plan), including sample frame and data collection tools.
    • Orient and train enumerators on the data collection tools, including testing and revising tools as needed
    • Collect data using agreed data collection tools and methodology.
    • Analyze data collected to establish baseline indicator values and provide recommendations on revising annual and endline targets if needed.
    • Submit completed baseline report to LWR for approval.
    The evaluator will review available project data sources and design a methodology to collect both quantitative and qualitative data. The baseline evaluation will be measured in the same manner as the final evaluation data collection, baseline report and data collection tools for baseline will be developed by consultant. The desired sample size, sampling methodology and data collection tools will also be a critical component of the design. Creative use of data collection, participatory data analysis, and presentation of findings that maximize the usefulness of the evaluation will be very important. The evaluator will work closely with LWR Senior Program Manager to finalize the methodology, data collection tools and the work plan before field work. The evaluator will define the methodology, inclusive of multimedia and participatory tools; however the methodology will likely include:
    • Document review: Desk review of all relevant project documentation including project proposal, Project Design Workbook
    • Review project data sources and methodology for collecting both quantitative and qualitative data
    • Key informant interviews (KII): Potential key informants including MATIs, Ministry of Agriculture, National Council for Technical Education (NACTE) and LWR’s Senior Program Manager
    • Consultation with beneficiaries (surveys, focus group discussions, observation): The evaluator will make selected visits to the 2 MATIs based on the sample size.
    All deliverables must be in English.
Project M&E plan (using LWR’s template, completed with project staff)
Baseline Report (using the following outline)
  1. Study Objectives
  2. Study Methodology and Sampling Approach
  3. Limitations to the study
  4. Ethical Considerations
  5. Timeline and Roles and Responsibilities
  6. Annex 1: Terms of Reference
  7. Annex 5: Draft Data Collection Instruments
Baseline Evaluation report (using the following outline; maximum 25 pages, excluding annexes)
  1. Executive Summary
  2. Purpose of the evaluation
  3. Sampling methodology (updated from the inception report to reflect any changes made during the study)
  4. Findings and analysis (as defined in inception report)
  5. Conclusions, including recommendations for the endline data collection exercise
  6. Annexes, including (but not exclusively):
    a. Evaluation terms of reference
    b. Schedule of evaluation activities
    c. List of people and groups consulted
    d. Data collection tools
    e. Completed M&E plan with baseline figures
    The duration of the consultancy will be from January 10 through February 28, 2018. LWR will orient the consultant on the scope of the assessment. The consultant will outline the methodology and develop tools for data collection and will present to LWR for approval. The assigned person will assist the consultant to make contacts with key informants and arrange for meetings. The consultant will provide his/her own working space, associated resources and equipment. LWR will reimburse the actual cost incurred by consultant for transportation, living cost (accommodation and meals) and stationaries upon submission of receipts based on the agreed rate up to defined limit established within the contract agreement.
The timeline for the completion of the evaluation is firm. Delay in submission of the deliverables that are not the fault of LWR will result in a reduction in the final payment to the consultant.
Activity Deliverable Due date Location
Conduct planning meeting with LWR (finalize TOR, discuss main components of inception report) Finalized TOR January 10, 2018 TBD
Develop an inception report and data collection tools First draft of inception report January 15, 2018 Consultant’s home base
Meeting with LWR to finalize inception report Final inception report January 16, 2018 Dar Es Salaam
Begin data collection in Morogoro (collect documents, key informant interviews) January 22 – February 3, 2018 Morogoro
Tabulation of data February 5 -8, 2018 Consultant’s home base Report writing February 10 -15, 2018 Consultant’s home base
First draft report to LWR Draft report February 18, 2018 Consultant’s home base
Feedback from LWR February 20, 2018 Consultant’s home base
Incorporate comments from LWR February 22, 2018 Consultant’s home base
Produce final report Final report February 26, 2018 Consultant’s home base
    Qualification of the Consultant
    The required qualifications of consultant(s)
  2. Bachelor Degree and above in the field of Education or equivalent
  3. At least five years’ experience working with the education sector, with at least five years’ experience in monitoring and evaluation.
  4. Demonstrated experience in social science research, including leading at least 3 high-quality baseline evaluations similar to this assignment.
  5. Excellent English writing skills and fluent in Swahili.
  6. Legally entitled to work in Tanzania.
  7. Availability for a telephone or Skype interview on January 5th, 2018.
Interested consultants should send the information listed below to
a) Expression of interest (up to 3 pages) – outlining the summary of relevant previous experience, the approach in undertaking the evaluation and daily consultancy fee (inclusive of all office supplies, equipment, etc. and exclusive of reimbursable field travel expenses as listed above).
b) Latest curriculum vitae (of consultant and any supporting team members)
c) Two page writing sample (additional two page sample demonstrating gender disaggregated results and analysis a plus but not required).
d) Contact information of three references for similar services was offered.
Application procedure
Complete applications containing elements a) through d) should be submitted as attachments to an email to: with a copy to
The subject line should read: INVEST Baseline Survey.
Deadline for the submission of bids is December 27, 2017 by 5pm Tanzania time.
Applicants who do not follow application instructions will be rejected. ONLY short listed candidates will be contacted.
The baseline survey is to collect baseline data for the project Outcome and Output Indicators below:
Outcome 1: Targeted MATI produce skilled agricultural labor force that meet market needs
• % of MATI graduates employed six months after completion of MATI
• % of employers' satisfaction on skills of graduates
Output 1.1: Targeted MATI design a curriculum that meets the demands of the agriculture workforce
• # of schools that use the revised curriculum
• Teachers' adoption of revised curriculum
• Teachers' perception of revised curriculum
• # of students' satisfied with the revised curriculum
• Curriculum addresses gender inequalities in access to learning and training opportunities in agriculture
• # of topics from market demands that have been addressed in the curriculum
• # of courses revised to align with curriculum
• # of students enrolled in the revised courses
Output 1.2: Targeted MATI implement revised curriculum that meets the demands for employment in the agriculture labor force
• # of skills trainings provided to students
• % of teachers and administrative staff participating in in-service trainings
• Teachers' satisfaction with in-service trainings
Output 1.3: Targeted Youth have increased access to internship opportunities that demonstrate skills and trainings
• Level of students' confidence in applying their education from the ATVS to their job
• % of students securing internships
Outcome 2: Targeted youth are equipped for self-employment upon graduation
• # of businesses created by youth after graduation
• # of women's businesses created by youth after graduation
• % of youth transitioning into self-employment

Output 2.1: Targeted youth gain experience in business development and planning
• % of students in their final year of MATI demonstrate an understanding in basic business skills
• # of classes offered that cover business development and planning topics
• # of students registered under business development and planning classes
• # of youth that can demonstrate the steps of a business plan
Output 2.2: Selected youth implement business ideas
• # of businesses submitted to the panel for review
• # of youth-run businesses after the completion of the competition
• # of youth mentored during business challenge
• # of mentorship meetings held between youth and mentor
Interested consultants should send the information listed below to
a) Expression of interest (up to 3 pages) – outlining the summary of relevant previous experience, the approach in undertaking the evaluation and daily consultancy fee (inclusive of all office supplies, equipment, etc. and exclusive of reimbursable field travel expenses as listed above).
b) Latest curriculum vitae (of consultant and any supporting team members)
c) Two page writing sample (additional two page sample demonstrating gender dis-aggregated results and analysis a plus but not required).
d) Contact information of three references for similar services was offered.
Application procedure
Complete applications containing elements a) through d) should be submitted as attachments to an email to: with a copy to
The subject line should read: INVEST Baseline Survey.
Deadline for the submission of bids is December 27, 2017 by 5pm Tanzania time.
Applicants who do not follow application instructions will be rejected. ONLY short listed candidates will be contacted

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