Saturday 28 October 2017

Tender At Amref Health Africa-Operational Research To Evaluate The Factors Influencing Low Uptake Waste Management Practices In Per-Urban Area Of Ilala Municipality – Dar Es Salaam


Other Dar es Salaam District Dar Es Salaam

Application deadline

We are requesting you/your firm to submit a proposal for Consultancy in conducting study of gender needs related to urban solid waste management in Ilala – Dar Es Slaaam
The proposal submission is eligible to all consultant firms or individuals.
Instructions and Terms of Reference (TOR) are attached.
Kindly write on the Subject Line “Tender No C11/Oct/2017operational research to evaluate the factors influencing low uptake waste management practices in per-urban area of Ilala municipality – Dar Es Salaam: and send to the address provided below.
The deadline of submission is 13.November 2017
Thanking you in advance for your cooperation.
Please inform the Secretary of Tender Committee if you have received the inquiry and if you will be submit the quotation in hardcopy. DO NOT SEND PROPOSALS THROUGH E-MAIL, the provided E-mail address is only for inquiries.
Amref Health Africa Tanzania Country Office
BOX 2773, Dar es Salaam.
  1. The Procuring Entity is Amref Health Africa, Tanzania Country Office
    The Method of Selection is Combined quality and cost method
  2. The baseline survey is to be completed at most within 35 working days after signing of contract and being paid an advance payment.
    (If the Client envisages the need for continuity for downstream work it should be outlined in the Terms of Reference, the scope, nature, and timing of future work and indicate here the manner in which this information would be considered in the evaluation.)
  3. Materials, equipment and supplies used by the Consultant are not permitted if they have originated in those states under embargo by UN.
  4. For clarification of proposals the Client ’s address is:
    Address: P.O.BOX 2773 DAR ES SALAAM
    Telephone: 2116610/2136731/2153104
    Facsimile number: 255-22-2115823
  5. The proposals shall be written in the English language.
  6. Other documents required to be submitted with the proposal are:
    Physical address and Telephone number, Business License, TIN Certificate and / VAT, Registration Company (applicable for consultancy firms and not individual consultants)
  7. Training is not a specific component of this assignment
  8. Additional information on the proposal includes;
    Interested consultants must provide information on their credibility to perform the service by bringing their profile, description of similar assignments in the past three years, availability of appropriate skills among staff. You will also be required to provide names and addresses of at least three of your past and present clients, indicating date and status of the projects.
  9. Amref Health Africa will provide the following inputs and facilities: (unless specified otherwise during negotiation)
  1. Logistical support and programme documents for review
  2. The link between the Consultant and key partners as well as the communities.
  3. Technical oversight, quality assurance as well as quality control for the evaluation as necessary.
  1. Proposal must remain valid for 90 days after the submission date.
  2. The proposal submission
    • The Consultant shall enclose the original and TWO copies of the Technical Proposal in separate sealed envelopes, duly marking the envelopes as “TECHNICAL PROPOSAL” and “ORIGINAL” and “COPY, as appropriate.” These envelopes containing the original and the copies shall then be enclosed in one single envelope duly marking the envelope as “TECHNICAL PROPOSAL”. Please include the CD with soft copy of the original proposal in Ms Word.
    • The Consultant shall enclose the original of the Financial Proposal in one single separate sealed envelope, duly marking the envelope as “FINANCIAL PROPOSAL” and with a warning “DO NOT OPEN WITH THE TECHNICAL PROPOSAL.”
    • The two envelopes shall then be enclosed in one single outer envelope. The inner and outer envelopes shall:
     bear the name and address of the Services Provider;
     be addressed to the Client at the address specified herewith;
     bear the name of the Proposal as specified in the in this document; and bear a statement “DO NOT OPEN BEFORE ….” The date for opening as specified in the TOR.
The documents should be submitted to Amref AT THE TENDER BOX IN RECEPTIONIST OFFICE) where 3 hard copies with a soft copy in CD or Flash addressed to
Amref Tanzania Country Office
Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road, Plot No. 1019
P.O. Box 2773, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Tel: +255-22-2131981/ 2116610/ 22136731
Mob: +255 - 767303014
Fax: +255-22-2115823
  1. Criteria, sub-criteria, and points system for the evaluation of proposal are:
    Criteria, sub-criteria Points (%)
    (i) Firm’s general experience, reputation and experience in previous similar assignments
    -General experience of the firm ( 10)
    -Experience in similar assignment (20) 30
    (ii) Understanding of the terms of reference, methodology and the overall quality of the proposal
    -Comments on terms of reference (10)
    -Work plan and Methodology (35) 45
    (iii) Qualification of key personnel
    The number of points to be given under each evaluation sub criteria for qualifications of staff are;
    [General qualifications] [15]
    (iv) Local Firm Participation 5
    (v) Participation by national experts
    (a) Team Leader…………………………….. 3 points
    (b) Other Staffs…………………………….. 2 points 5
    Total Points : 100
    The minimum Technical Score required to pass is: 75 Points.
  2. The formula for determining the financial scores is the following:
    Sf = 100 x Fm / F, in which Sf is the financial score, Fm is the lowest price and F the price of the proposal under consideration.
  3. The weights given to the Technical and Financial Proposals are:
    T = 0.75 and FP = 0.25
  4. The address for contract negotiations is:
    Amref Health Africa, Plot # 1019, Alli Hassan Mwinyi Road-Upanga, P.O.Box 2773 Dar Es Salaam
  5. The assignment is expected to commence on 1st. November 2017
Terms of Reference
Dar es Salaam is the country’s largest industrial and commercial centre with an estimated population of more than 4 million (2012) with a population growth rate of 4.3 percent and population density of around 2,700 persons per km². More than seventy percent of the population lives in unplanned and under-serviced areas of the city.
It has been estimated that 4,200-tonnes of solid waste are generated in Dar es Salaam per year. This represents a generation rate of 0.93 kg/cap/day based on a population of 4.5 million (2016 projection). It is estimated that Dar es Salaam will be generating over 12,000-tonnes per day by 2025.This represents a tripling of the waste generated in just 14 years.
The Dar es Salaam Local Authority (DLA) has also estimated that less than 40% of the total wastes generated in the city are collected and disposed of in the Pugu dump site or otherwise recovered. The remaining wastes (approximately 60%) are either dumped by the road side or into drainage canals contributing to health problems for local residents, annual flooding events and methane generation. Much of the waste quantities that are not collected are from unplanned and highly populated areas of the city.
Project Description
Amref Health Africa Tanzania, with grant support from Amref Health Africa Spain is implementing a 2-years Project on solid waste management in Buguruni, Kiwalani, Vingunguti and Kipawa Wards in Ilala Municipality in Dar es Salaam city, from 1st June 2017 to 31st May 2019. The Project is jointly implemented in collaboration between Amref Health Africa Tanzania and Ilala Municipal Council.
This Project, is known as Taka Ni Mali (TNM), is contributing to the general Plan of the Urban solid waste management of Dar es Salaam City; and aims at improving Health and Livelihood of Ilala Population with attention to vulnerable groups of women and youth. The project will result into improved capacities and skills of Citizens and Government officials in solid waste management; developed a functional social enterprise models and strengthened initiatives that advocate for the promotion of solid waste management policies in Tanzania.
Objectives of the Research
To evaluate the factors influencing low uptake of solid waste management practices in per-urban area of Dar es Salaam
Specific objectives
  1. To evaluate current solid waste management plan of Ilala Municipal Council in relation to reduction, reuse, collection, transportation, recycling and disposal of solid waste from household to Municipal level
  2. To study and develop a market-based and social business solutions to promote reduction, reuse and recycling of solid waste
  3. To study the urban solid waste value chains across Dar es Salaam city to identify and link products or services that are still underserved and could represent a business avenue for social investors
  4. To study and map an existing and feasible/sustainable technology based on the finding of the value chain analysis to move to a solid waste recycle and recovery system based on a social business model
  5. To conduct a SWOT analysis of the chosen solutions in order to identify what enabling environments, ranging from a mix of policy instruments, including financing, economic incentives/disincentives, regulations, and institutional arrangements
Scope of Work
The scope of this assignment includes, but not limited to, a review of project documents such as project proposal, other baseline reports on SWM and secondary sources that demonstrate experiences on household solid waste management in unplanned settlements (urban settings). The consultant should also conduct key informant interviews with potential stakeholders (Ministry of Health, Social entrepreneurs, private sectors/investors on solid waste management, Dar es Salaam Local Authority, and Ilala Municipal Council, Academic/ Research Institutions, Social enterprise groups (including women, youth and PLWHIV) and field observations to project areas at ward level.
In addition, the consultant will draft a report and prepare a brief presentation on the key findings from the study. This assignment requires the services of a consultant for the period not exceeding 20-working days from the effective signing date
Specifically, the consultant will be responsible for the following:
i. Review of relevant solid waste management documents and develop sound methodology for undertaking the assignment.
ii. Conduct key informant interviews with target beneficiries and key actors (important stakeholders) relevant to this project.
iii. Conduct field visits and discussions with entrepreneurs to learn more about solid waste business and challenges (operations, legal framework, sustainability etc).
iv. Prepare an inception report outlining preferable approach into the assignment
v. Presenting findings to a stakeholders’ forum, dates and venue to be agreed during inception meeting.
vi. Submission of the final report
• The baseline study is expected to use a mixture of participatory approach and technical expertise with a great focus on household solid waste management, collection of quantitative and qualitative (behavior) data. The consulting firm/individuals should explicitly demonstrate how the chosen methodology/approach fits the baseline study and will provides opportunities for learning
• Prior to execution of this assignment, the consultant or team of consultants will work closely with Amref Tanzania and Ilala Municipal Council to develop a sound approach for undertaking the study.
Roles and Responsibilities
Amref Health Africa Tanzania
The Amref Health Africa Tanzania will execute the following functions:
i. To provide the consultant will all required project reference materials
ii. To provide linkage and coordination between different stakeholders with the Consultant through feedback and reflection meetings and consultation
iii. To receive consultant’s reports for approval and to deliver necessary instructions/ guidance
iv. No lodging, boarding and other logistics will be provided by to the Consultant by Amref Health Africa Tanzania.
Roles of the Consultant
The Consultant will perform his roles as stipulated in the terms of reference to delivery the following:
i. An inception report, outlining methodological approach and agreed timeline to accomplish the assignment.
ii. Half-day presentation of draft report for key findings (PowerPoint not more than 20 slides) to key project stakeholders (venue to be decided after acceptance of draft report
iii. Final baseline report reflecting on objectives of the baseline as well as detailing functional social enterprise model on the current practices, demand and attitudes at household level and how to advocate for policies and institution framework changes
The consultant should be able to accomplish all stated activities within 35 working days including final baseline report. The table below provides an estimate on timing of the assignment.
Item # Activity name Duration (days)
1 Data collection and preparation of the inception report 20
2 Data analysis and compilation of key findings 8
3 Submission and presentation of draft report (key findings) 2
4 Submission of the final report 5
Qualifications and key competence
The consultant or team of consultant should be a senior expert with postgraduate degree in a field relevant to the domains of the project such as… He/she should not have less than five years of experience in conducting operational researches particularly related to health, social entrepreneurships and urban sanitation. The team leader (in case a team of consultants is applying) should have demonstrable knowledge of and experience in social entrepreneurship in sanitation business
Specifically, the ideal consultant will have the following skills and experiences:
i. University degree in development studies, social sciences, environmental science, natural
resources management, urban planning, environmental economics, socio-economic studies, statistics or other related fields
ii. A minimum of 5 years’ relevant experience conducting operational research
iii. Key competence on qualitative data analysis and report writing.
iv. Experience urban sanitation business
v. Have good understanding of existing policy and strategic framework for sanitation and hygiene in Tanzania.
vi. Experience of working with multi-sector partners, including INGOs, private sector and government authorities
vii. Fluent in spoken and written Kiswahili and English.
viii. Experience on sanitation enterprises is an asset
The consultant shall report directly to Amref Health Africa Tanzania Project Manager for Taka Ni Mali
i. The consultant will present to stakeholders the inception report (PowerPoint not more than 20 slides) within 2-weeks, outlining methodological approach and agreed timeline to accomplish the assignment. The format of draft and final report of the baseline study will be agreed during inception meeting.
ii. The will submit the draft baseline report in 3-hard copies (and soft copy) with 20-30 pages (Tahoma, 11 font-sizes with 1.5 spacing) will be presented to the Project Steering Committee within 3-weeks after the study commencement. Comments from stakeholders to the consultant will be provide within 5-working days
iii. The consultants will take into account those comments in preparing of the final report 5-copies (plus a soft copy) with 30-40 pages (including appendices), same format as the draft report.
iv. All reports should be in English language (with exceptional to some annexes)
Mode of application
All application proposals (both technical and financial), should also be addressed to:
The Secretary Procurement Committee,
Amref Health Africa -Tanzania,
Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road, Plot No. 1019 Upanga Area
P.O. Box 2773, Dar Es Salaam.
Submission deadline: 13th. November. 2017
Only applicants meeting the minimum requirements shall be contacted for further discussions.
The proposal submission
• The Consultant shall enclose the original and TWO copies of the Technical Proposal in separate sealed envelopes, duly marking the envelopes as “TECHNICAL PROPOSAL” and “ORIGINAL” and “COPY, as appropriate.” These envelopes containing the original and the copies shall then be enclosed in one single envelope duly marking the envelope as “TECHNICAL PROPOSAL”. Please include the CD with soft copy of the original proposal in Ms Word.
• The Consultant shall enclose the original of the Financial Proposal in one single separate sealed envelope, duly marking the envelope as “FINANCIAL PROPOSAL” and with a warning “DO NOT OPEN WITH THE TECHNICAL PROPOSAL.”
• The two envelopes shall then be enclosed in one single outer envelope. The inner and outer envelopes shall:
 bear the name and address of the Services Provider;
 be addressed to the Client at the address specified herewith;
 bear the name of the Proposal as specified in the in this document; and bear a statement “DO NOT OPEN BEFORE ….” The date for opening as specified in the TOR.
The documents should be submitted to Amref AT THE TENDER BOX IN RECEPTIONIST OFFICE) where 3 hard copies with a soft copy in CD or Flash addressed to
Amref Tanzania Country Office
Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road, Plot No. 1019
P.O. Box 2773, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Tel: +255-22-2131981/ 2116610/ 22136731
Mob: +255 - 767303014
Fax: +255-22-2115823
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