Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Job Opportunity at Aga Khan Health Services, Facilitator and Field Coordinator


Job Opportunity at Aga Khan Health Services,  Facilitator and Field Coordinator
Aga Khan Health Services
Aga Khan Health services Tanzania (AKHST) – an agency of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) is a non-profit international organization that supports social development programs in Tanzania. AKHST is committed in providing quality care to patients and promoting health sciences in Tanzania. With this ongoing mandate, The Aga Khan –Health Services Tanzania (AKHST) has embarked on major expansion that will see the development of tertiary-level services, educational and quality initiatives. AKHST will be implementing a new and exciting project: Improving Access to Maternal Newborn Health (MNH) in Mwanza, Tanzania (IMPACT).This is a four year Global affairs Canada (GAC) initiative which will contribute to the reduction of maternal and and newborn mortality by improving the availability and utilization and gender sensitive- quality MNH services for women and their families in underserved areas of all eight underserved districts of Mwanza Tanzania. IMPACT through a public private partnership (PPP) , will work closely with Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender Elderly and Children (MOHCDGEC), local stakeholders, the community and local government to facilitate the behavior change, create demand and increase availability and utilization of maternal and newborn health (MNH) services. AKHST is now seeking a qualified Facilitator and Field Coordinator to carry out a qualitative baseline and gender assessment in targeted districts of Mwanza.

Facilitator and Field Coordinator

The position involves dealing with qualitative and gender assessment that is intended to provide detailed information on key gender issues w~~in the context of the project areas of intervention. The questions related to the qualitative indicators in the project performance measurement framework (PMF) will enable further investigation following the quantitative data collection in the baseline study, alongside questions specifically focused on gender equality issues. The IMPACT project team and partner organisations will use the gender assessment information to support the revision of the project gender strategy, as part of project implementation; monitoring and evaluation. The Lead facilitator is expected to work directly with MERL Manager. In addition, the lead facilitator is to submit all required documents, including field notes and transcripts.


  • Recruiting facilitators, note takers and relevant translators and transcribers. Facilitators for female FGD must be female. These facilitators must be experienced in qualitative methodologies, have gender equality experience and have high level facilitation skills.
  • Training facilitators and note takers following the study protocol.
  • Data collection.
  • Data quality assurance checks, debriefing after FGDs, review of field notes.
  • Translation and transcription of all FGDs and key information interviews
  • Communicate regularly and provide updates to AKF/AKHST Study Lead

The lead facilitator and facilitation team must possess the minimum skills and qualifications:

  • Minimum of 5 years of qualitative study experience, with particular emphasis on gender analysis in the health sector, preferably for international non-profit. Organizations or multilateral agencies
  • Excellent facilitation skills and coordination of field work.
  • Minimum of 5 years of experience in administering studies, collecting data and producing quality baseline/end line study reports.
  • Good knowledge of the region, and preferably regions where the project is being implemented (Mwanza).
  • Experience of effective interaction with local non-government organizations, government departments, and international organizations.
  • Evidence of similar work in the recent past is a key requirement.
  • Ability to recruit and identify quality facilitators with local language skills.
  • Experience with note taking of focus group discussions and key informant interviews.

Qualified and interested facilitators are asked to submit the following:

  • Letter of interest
  • A copy of your curriculum vitae (CV) which should outline your qualifications and relevant experience and those of all team members
  • A 3 page description which clearly demonstrates your approach to facilitation, list of previous mandates of similar nature and plans for recruitment and interviewing local facilitators
  • Total costs per day of lead facilitator and of each local facilitator and note taker
  • Names and contact information of three references who can be contacted regarding relevant experience


Complete applications should be submitted electronically to:
The Aga Khan Hospital, Dar es Salaam at hr@akhst.org and micheal.mugerwa@akhst.org with the subject line of:

Closing date for submission of the application package is end of business day on 14th August, 2017.

It is understood and agreed that the Consultant(s) shall, during and after the effective period of the contract, treat as confidential and not divulge, unless authorized in writing by AKHST, any

The Guardian 7 August, 2017

Warning: Any Job Vacancy Requesting Payment For Any Reason is a Scam.
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